
Archive for March, 2010

So What Do You Do?

March 29th, 2010 1 comment

Last night I was talking with Tom, friend and former business partner in Playground Creative.  We got to talking about a question that I usually have a hard time answering, the all-to-common-when-meeting-someone, “so what do you do?”

“I’m a programmer.”  “I’m a web developer.”  “I make really kick-butt web applications.”

Most of these kinda fall flat to most people: either it’s too vague, or means very little to those who don’t talk tech geek speak, or even evokes the stereotype image of an antisocial recluse hunched over his keyboard all day.  It doesn’t lend itself well to any follow up conversation about the real juicy parts of the work that I love to share about.

Just as it’s much easier for someone else to tickle you than to tickle yourself, another person who isn’t enmeshed in the world of what you do can observe and describe it much more cleanly.  I think Tom nailed it when he gave me his words of how he’d answer the question if he were me:

“I listen to the vision of what a project is trying to accomplish, come up with a solution that is 100% true to its essence, and get it built fast.  If it’s something that you know is possible, but it hasn’t been done before and you just don’t know how to accomplish it, I’m the guy to work that out and reliably deliver on it.”

Nice one, Tom.  I think I’m gonna rehearse that one a few times for the next time I go out to a networking happy hour.

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Creator/User Gap

March 27th, 2010 No comments

A lot of people have use for specialized, custom built software, but far fewer are able to create it themselves.  So it is common in my industry that software is created to be used by someone else.  This gives rise to a gap in the perspectives of the creator and user: the creator is often only a user to the extent that they ensure that every piece works as it should, whereas the user needs to use it in a real working environment every day.

What this means is that even a well meaning and highly talented developer can produce something that end users hate, simply for lack of the day-to-day user perspective.  Consider:

Creator: This feature works like a charm.
User: I use this feature 100 times a day but takes 4 clicks to get to when just 1 could do.

Creator: The login system works really nicely and is secure.
User: I get booted out of the system after 20 minutes of idle time, and my usual task away from the computer takes half an hour.

Creator: This downloadable spreadsheet report has all the info about orders placed.
User: I still take 4 hours a week to manually reconcile this report with our CRM system.

Creator: This date picker widget lets you quickly choose your date range for exporting orders.
User: I never need anything but the orders from the last 7 days, but I still have to always pick those dates using this stupid date picker.

This gap is only a problem when there is no communication between developers and users. And it’s not surprising that communication is generally sparse between the two.  Less-than-awesome software is more than common, and so among users there’s a common mindset that that’s just the way it is.  Either it can’t be any better, or perhaps the developer hates them.  (Though the latter is irrational, even I fall for it when I think of the development team behind IE6–I know they were doing their best.)  Both views give rise to a “I’ll deal with it” mentality, perhaps with a “well at least it’s better than the old system” thrown in.  Even if an end user can make requests directly of the developer (seldom allowed to avoid willy nilly wasting of expensive developer resources), the idea seldom occurs as a real possibility.

But what if that communication is strong and the custom development arrangement does allow for tweaking based on such real world feedback?  The above four hypothetical issues are ripe to be fixed with a little bit of tweaking, if only the developer knew about them.

A great solution to this gap is to have the developer become a user in the real working environment after the project has been presented as complete.  That time lays bare a great number of shortcomings that a system might have in actual practice.  It’s fun for everyone involved: the developer gets to be a hero and enjoy the satisfaction of making big win tweaks.  Users have their issues addressed and their needs met: their cool new system just keeps getting better, often within minutes of making a request.  And key stakeholders in the project are delighted by both the improvements and the happiness of the people using it.

A day on site spent beside end users  is something I’ve done now and again, but I haven’t thought to make that a more standard part of my service until now.  It’s that extra mile that provides so much with many kinds of projects.

Categories: Essays Tags:

A Team of One

March 23rd, 2010 3 comments

During the course of my programming career, I have found, without exception, the greatest success (be it measured in efficiency, the end result, or even my personal joy in the process) comes with solo projects.

After such a years-long track record it begs a question: am I just another example of the lone wolf coder who either cannot or will not play nicely with the other kids, or is there really something defensible in the idea of a programming team of one?  Central to The Mythical Man Month is the notion that adding people to the programming team of a late project will only make it later, but what about the other extreme?  Can minimizing the headcount to 1 make a better project, and if so, under what conditions?


Certainly there are some immediate gains that arise.  There’s no redundancy in learning the initial requirements of the project: one point of contact constitutes a massive streamlining of communications, and there is no opportunity for a game of telephone to distort the message as it disperses from client to team.  The same can be said of the nuances that arise during a project’s lifetime: tweaks can be made to a system’s architecture without the penalty of coordinating with other parties impacted by the change.

On a team of one, everyone is always on the same page when it comes to the state of progress and what’s currently on the client’s mind.  An entire class of meetings, the inter-developmental team meeting, can be nixed entirely.

Division of Labor

While out with a few of the guys of the Denver JQuery meetup group last week I heard a lot of people describe themselves as either “front end” or “back end” developers.  This is a useful separation of labor, for the skills of each are reasonably disconnected (front enders are charged mostly with the user interface and making the system look pretty, while back enders are more concerned with the business logic and data shuffling about).  But for most projects the roles are heavily intertwined.  Changes on one side will often necessitate changes for the other, which will take a cycle of communication/waiting/updating/integrating/testing among 2 or more people each time.   For a team of one who is master of both sides of the system, this communication is instantaneous and it’s just a matter of revising the work.

Come to think of it, it’s not just a matter of saving time.  If the logic and flow of a system are handed down from on high as immutable gospel, both parties can work on their parts separately and bring their work to make a near if not perfect fit.  But this is seldom the case.

What really happens is that original designs are either sketches or best guesses: either benefit by evolving from prototypes and earlier drafts.  Lowering the activation energy for tweaks allows it to evolve better simply because it’s less headache to explore new ideas.  When an idea implicates changes that create more work for others, given the choice you’ll more likely stick to the original spec.  If it’s just you and the code, you’ll be far more inclined to take risks.  When you hit a dead end, there’s no one you need to apologize to.

Worthy Collaboration

One piece of teamwork I’ve consistently found to be a great boon to a project is a clear cut relationship between aesthetic design and coding.  A great design for a project makes working on it a joy (bad design kills morale (or at least drains it) and no one is immune), and when I’m given a rich vocabulary of aesthetic elements I can remix and re-purpose them for whatever needs come about.  Thus design in projects is more of a one-time input rather than a you-work-on-your-part-and-I’ll-work-on-mine-and-we’ll-make-sure-they-fit-together-all-along-the-way.

Clearly a team of one needs to be able to many disparate competencies in order to pull off an entire project.  That might suggest that their talent might necessarily be spread thin, but I’m not so sure.  When I am ultimately accountable for a project, there’s much more a sense of pride and ownership for the end result.  You can’t hide behind a story that someone else dropped the ball if the project is less than great.  For those two reasons the entire process becomes the opportunity to really bring your art and have it shine.  Learning an extra trick and going the extra mile is much more enticing because it is much more noticeable and attributable.  Contrast this against the temptation to phone it in and just meet the spec requirements on a project where your part can’t override the overall momentum of the team.

Certainly the team of one is not much of a duplicate-able model for relying on all projects: the larger a project gets, the harder it is to find someone who can be the sole master of it all (let alone be interested in doing so).  But it may be a worthwhile direction in which to grow talent: rather than gauge merit and encourage development along the lines of having increasing years and experience within narrow X, be interested in growing an expanding base of proficiency in X, Y, Z and so on such that the size of a project that could be taken on by one person increases.  The power of a given group of programmers may be best measured as the size of the biggest project that one member of the group could handle alone.

Categories: Essays Tags:

Years of thoughts and observations, now in well organized slow drip

March 23rd, 2010 No comments

My name is John Larson, and I’m a web developer.

And I really love doing it.  I love the cool widgets, I love the new tricks and tools, I love the brainy challenges, I love the elegant solutions.

I love building stuff that others are just plain happy about.

This business heartily feeds my nerdy appetite for mental stimulation.  And my mind has had plenty of time to think about–and become fascinated by–the whole process of software development.  The tack that I took was to expand my own kung fu (literally: “human achievement”) on the matter and be the best, most well rounded and proficient web application guy that my brains and determination would allow.

I cut my teeth doing customizations on the MonsterCommerce e-Commerce platform and building my own web-based system for managing that custom programming department.  Fielding no fewer than 800 leads during my tenure and overseeing (and eventually joining) my programmer crew during over 100 projects gave me all kinds of ideas and perspectives on both what worked great and what was an absolute mess.  Years of freelancing and other projects have further honed my views.

Contained in this blog you’ll find a series of essays and explorations reaching into the world of custom software development, direct from my brain to your eyeballs, thanks to the miracle of the internet.  Partake and enjoy.

Categories: About Me Tags: